Wednesday, January 16, 2013

:: Lab Visit from UiTM students ::

On 27th December 2012 and 7th January 2013, we welcomed Mr. Syazwan and his students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Penang to our lab to share some information on algae culture for their final year projects.

Mr. Syazwan and his students

 Even though it was a short visit, we hope that the students managed to acquire some knowledge in which they can apply in their project. We are looking forward to our future collaborations; feel free to visit us again next time.


:: New Culture Room ::

At last, our micro algae got a new home, and it is definitely bigger than before.

Working chamber

Laminar flow 

Culture racks with fluorescent light

Growth chamber for polar species 

With this new culture room and our existing expertise, we are planning to create our own micro algae culture collection. Hopefully, everything will go according to the plan.


:: New Member ::

We, the members of USM Plankton Lab are very happy to welcome Dr. Sharifah as the new member of USM Plankton Lab. We look forward to working with you and we wish you all the best.

Name: Syarifah Rahmah Syed Muhammad
Position: Post Doctoral Fellow
Institution: Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, USM
Research: Fish Nutrition, fish breeding, fish culture