Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Field Work at Sedim River & Air Itam River

On 10th November 2012, we were given an opportunity to help 22 undergraduate students with their field work for BAT 201 class (Limnology). We departed from USM at 8.30 am  and headed to Air Itam River in Penang before going to Sedim River in Kedah. There, we measured all parameters (DO, TDS, temperature, velocity, depth, pH, conductivity) at three different areas (shaded area, open area, and under the bridge). We also took water samples triplicate at each area for water quality analysis. 

 Air Itam River

We spent 1 hour at the first location, and by the time we arrived at our second location, it was 11 am.

Sedim River

There, we measured all same parameters at two different areas which were the pool area (deeper, flows at slow velocity & turbulence) and the riffle area ( shallow, flows at high velocity & turbulence).

Students prepared to measure parameters

Once we completed our tasks, we took the opportunity to walk on the Tree Top Walk, the world's longest canopy walk.

Tree Top Walk

River view on Tree Top Walk

memory on Tree Top Walk

At 6.00 pm, we happily went back with a memorable experience.

p/s : more pictures